Programming Languages that UX Designers Should Know

As a UX designer, you might wonder how much you need to know about coding. While you won’t be writing code yourself, you will be working closely with developers who will bring your designs to life. To make this collaboration more smooth and productive, you need to understand the basics of programming languages and how they affect your design decisions.

In this article, we will explore why UX designers should learn about coding, what types of programming languages they should know, and how they can benefit from this knowledge in their career. We will also provide some tips on how to learn programming languages as a UX designer.

Front-end Development Languages

Front-end development languages are the ones that are responsible for creating the user interface of a website or an application. They are also called client-side languages because they run on the user’s browser or device. The three main front-end development languages are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to define the structure and content of a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, forms, etc. HTML uses tags to mark up different elements on a page.

For example, this is how you would write a heading in HTML:

<h1>This is a heading</h1>

As a UX designer, you should know how to use HTML tags to create semantic and accessible web pages that follow the best practices of web design. You should also know how to use HTML attributes to add extra information or functionality to your elements, such as class, id, src, href, alt, etc.

For example, this is how you would add a class attribute to a heading in HTML:

<h1 class="title">This is a heading</h1>

How HTML has evolved

HTML has changed a lot from its first version in 1991 to its current version HTML5 in 2014. Some of the changes and improvements that HTML has undergone are:

  • The introduction of new tags and attributes that allow for more semantic and interactive web pages, such as <article><section><nav><video><audio><canvas>, etc.
  • The removal or deprecation of obsolete or redundant tags and attributes that were no longer needed or supported by modern browsers, such as <font><center><frame>, etc.
  • The standardization and validation of HTML syntax and rules by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) to ensure compatibility and consistency across different browsers and platforms.
  • The integration of HTML with other technologies such as CSS and JavaScript to create more dynamic and responsive web pages that can adapt to different screen sizes and devices.

The benefits of HTML5 for UX designers are:

  • It allows for more creative and engaging web pages that can include multimedia elements such as audio, video, animations, etc.
  • It improves the accessibility and usability of web pages by providing more meaningful and structured content that can be easily understood by users and assistive technologies such as screen readers.
  • It enhances the performance and security of web pages by reducing the need for external plugins or scripts that can slow down or compromise the loading or functioning of the web pages.
  • It simplifies the coding process by providing more concise and consistent syntax and rules that can be easily learned and applied by UX designers.

The drawbacks of HTML5 for UX designers are:

  • It requires more knowledge and skills to use HTML5 effectively and efficiently, especially when it comes to integrating it with other technologies such as CSS and JavaScript.
  • It may not be fully supported or compatible with older browsers or devices that may not have updated their software or hardware to accommodate the new features or standards of HTML5.
  • It may pose some challenges or limitations when it comes to creating complex or customized web pages that may not fit into the predefined tags or attributes of HTML5.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is used to define the style and appearance of a web page, such as colors, fonts, layouts, animations, etc. CSS uses selectors and properties to apply different styles to different elements on a page.

For example, this is how you would style a heading in CSS:

.title { color: blue; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; }

As a UX designer, you should know how to use CSS properties to create visually appealing and responsive web pages that adapt to different screen sizes and devices. You should also know how to use CSS selectors to target specific elements on a page based on their attributes, classes, ids, or relationships.

For example, this is how you would target a heading with a class of title in CSS:

.title { /* styles for the heading with a class of title */ }

How CSS has evolved

CSS has changed a lot from its first version in 1996 to its current version CSS3 in 2012. Some of the changes and improvements that CSS has undergone are:

  • The introduction of new properties and values that allow for more flexible and creative web pages, such as border-radius, box-shadow, transform, transition, animation,gradient, etc.
  • The introduction of new selectors and pseudo-classes that allow for more precise and dynamic targeting of elements on a page, such as :nth-child, :hover, :focus, etc.
  • The introduction of new modules and features that allow for more modular and organized coding, such as media queries, flexbox, grid, etc.
  • The standardization and validation of CSS syntax and rules by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) to ensure compatibility and consistency across different browsers and platforms.
  • The integration of CSS with other technologies such as HTML and JavaScript to create more interactive and responsive web pages that can respond to user actions and events.

The benefits of CSS3 for UX designers are:

  • It allows for more expressive and attractive web pages that can include visual effects such as shadows, gradients, animations, etc.
  • It improves the responsiveness and usability of web pages by providing more flexible and adaptable layouts that can fit different screen sizes and devices.
  • It enhances the performance and efficiency of web pages by reducing the need for external images or scripts that can slow down or compromise the loading or functioning of the web pages.
  • It simplifies the coding process by providing more concise and consistent syntax and rules that can be easily learned and applied by UX designers.

The drawbacks of CSS3 for UX designers are:

  • It requires more knowledge and skills to use CSS3 effectively and efficiently, especially when it comes to integrating it with other technologies such as HTML and JavaScript.
  • It may not be fully supported or compatible with older browsers or devices that may not have updated their software or hardware to accommodate the new features or standards of CSS3.
  • It may pose some challenges or limitations when it comes to creating complex or customized web pages that may not fit into the predefined properties or values of CSS3.


A web page can have interactive elements like buttons, menus, sliders, forms, etc. by using the computer language known as JavaScript. When manipulating page components and responding to user input, JavaScript makes use of variables, functions, objects, arrays, loops, conditions, and events.

For example, this is how you would create a function in JavaScript:

function sayHello() { alert("Hello!"); }

As a UX designer, you should know how to use JavaScript to create dynamic and engaging web pages that provide feedback and guidance to the users. You should also know how to use JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery, React, Angular, or Vue, to simplify and enhance your coding process.

For example, this is how you would use jQuery to select an element by its id and change its text:

$("#title").text("This is a new heading");

How JavaScript has evolved

JavaScript has changed a lot from its first version in 1995 to its current version ECMAScript 2020 in 2020. Some of the changes and improvements that JavaScript has undergone are:

  • The introduction of new features and syntax that allow for more modern and concise coding, such as arrow functions, let and const declarations, template literals, spread operator, destructuring, etc.
  • The introduction of new data types and structures that allow for more robust and efficient coding, such as promises, async/await, symbols, maps, sets, etc.
  • The introduction of new modules and features that allow for more modular and organized coding, such as import/export, classes, inheritance, etc.
  • The standardization and validation of JavaScript syntax and rules by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) International to ensure compatibility and consistency across different browsers and platforms.
  • The integration of JavaScript with other technologies such as HTML and CSS to create more interactive and responsive web pages that can use the features and styles of these technologies.

The benefits of ECMAScript 2020 for UX designers are:

  • It allows for more elegant and readable coding that can express complex logic and functionality in a simpler way.
  • It improves the reliability and performance of web pages by providing more error handling and data validation mechanisms that can prevent or resolve bugs and issues.
  • It enhances the user experience and satisfaction of web pages by providing more asynchronous and non-blocking coding that can handle multiple tasks and requests without slowing down or freezing the web pages.
  • It simplifies the coding process by providing more consistent and compatible syntax and rules that can be easily learned and applied by UX designers.

The drawbacks of ECMAScript 2020 for UX designers are:

  • It requires more knowledge and skills to use ECMAScript 2020 effectively and efficiently, especially when it comes to integrating it with other technologies such as HTML and CSS.
  • It may not be fully supported or compatible with older browsers or devices that may not have updated their software or hardware to accommodate the new features or standards of ECMAScript 2020.
  • It may pose some challenges or limitations when it comes to creating complex or customized web pages that may not fit into the predefined features or syntax of ECMAScript 2020.

Back-end Development Languages

Back-end development languages are the ones that are responsible for creating the logic and functionality of a website or an application. They are also called server-side languages because they run on the server that hosts the website or the application. The two most common back-end development languages are PHP and Python.


PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It is used to create dynamic web pages and applications that can interact with databases, files, sessions, cookies, etc. PHP uses variables, functions, classes, arrays, loops, conditions, and operators to process data and generate output.

For example, this is how you would write a variable in PHP:

$name = "John";

As a UX designer, you should know how to use PHP to create user-friendly and secure web pages and applications that can store and retrieve data from databases or other sources. You should also know how to use PHP frameworks, such as Laravel or Symfony, to speed up and improve your coding process.

For example, this is how you would use Laravel to create a route for a web page:

Route::get('/hello', function () { return view('hello'); });

How PHP has evolved

PHP has changed a lot from its first version in 1995 to its current version PHP 8 in 2020. Some of the changes and improvements that PHP has undergone are:

  • The introduction of new features and syntax that allow for more modern and concise coding, such as namespaces, traits, generators, null coalescing operator, etc.
  • The introduction of new data types and structures that allow for more robust and efficient coding, such as scalar type declarations, return type declarations, anonymous classes, etc.
  • The introduction of new modules and features that allow for more modular and organized coding, such as composer, PSR standards, etc.
  • The improvement of performance and security of PHP by implementing new engines and mechanisms, such as Zend Engine, OPcache, JIT compiler, etc.
  • The integration of PHP with other technologies such as HTML and CSS to create more dynamic and responsive web pages and applications that can use the features and styles of these technologies.

The benefits of PHP 8 for UX designers are:

  • It allows for more elegant and readable coding that can express complex logic and functionality in a simpler way.
  • It improves the reliability and performance of web pages and applications by providing more error handling and data validation mechanisms that can prevent or resolve bugs and issues.
  • It enhances the user experience and satisfaction of web pages and applications by providing more asynchronous and non-blocking coding that can handle multiple tasks and requests without slowing down or freezing the web pages or applications.
  • It simplifies the coding process by providing more consistent and compatible syntax and rules that can be easily learned and applied by UX designers.

The drawbacks of PHP 8 for UX designers are:

  • It requires more knowledge and skills to use PHP 8 effectively and efficiently, especially when it comes to integrating it with other technologies such as HTML and CSS.
  • It may not be fully supported or compatible with older browsers or devices that may not have updated their software or hardware to accommodate the new features or standards of PHP 8.
  • It may pose some challenges or limitations when it comes to creating complex or customized web pages or applications that may not fit into the predefined features or syntax of PHP 8.


How Python has evolved

Python is a robust programming language that can be used for a wide range of tasks, including automation, web development, machine learning, and data analysis. To manage data and carry out tasks, Python makes use of variables, functions, classes, lists, tuples, dictionaries, loops, conditions, and operators.

For example, this is how you would write a list in Python:

names = ["John", "Mary", "Alice"]

As a UX designer, you should know how to use Python to create powerful and scalable web pages and applications that can handle complex and large amounts of data. You should also know how to use Python libraries and frameworks, such as Django or Flask, to simplify and enhance your coding process.

For example, this is how you would use Django to create a model for a database table:

class User(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=50) email = models.EmailField(unique=True) password = models.CharField(max_length=20)

How Python has evolved

Python has changed a lot from its first version in 1991 to its current version Python 3.9 in 2020. Some of the changes and improvements that Python has undergone are:

  • The introduction of new features and syntax that allow for more modern and concise coding, such as f-strings, walrus operator, async/await, etc.
  • The introduction of new data types and structures that allow for more robust and efficient coding, such as enums, dataclasses, typing, etc.
  • The introduction of new modules and features that allow for more modular and organized coding, such as pip, virtualenv, pytest, etc.
  • The improvement of performance and security of Python by implementing new engines and mechanisms, such as PyPy, Cython, PEP 484, etc.
  • The integration of Python with other technologies such as HTML and CSS to create more dynamic and responsive web pages and applications that can use the features and styles of these technologies.

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